We are loved by God - he rescues us from the coming wrath via the rapture. We search for love and search for God but don't realize its one and the same
God has revealed to us his glory yet we are not able to see it because it is done by the Spirit, and the Father choses those who will know him. He uses the Word to reach the lost. We implore you to read the Word!
We are confused when it comes time to really understand the hebrew calender 70% of time it is incorrect, this year falls into that category. The rapture may occur as a result unexpectantly on october 7
We Are Under The Sway of satan, He is playing Us. He appears as true yet is not true. This is what makes him deceptive. The whole world is under his sway, he is the god of this age. Beware of satan, he is already defeated, the blood of Jesus is against him. The rapture will rescue us from the day of evil coming soon. So take heart!
People Need A Rescue - we are face with much adversity due to the fall of man - adam - we inherited his fallen nature so its really not our fault but we are on the hook. We as a result are in jeopardy ! Yet Good New is Jesus is Savior and Will rescue us from the coming evil end of this age plus he keeps us from going to hell - just believe what he did and believe in Him !
The Corner a place where we hang out growing up where we learned alot about life. It is a shadow of hanging out with Jesus as the cornerstone learning life and learning to have eternal life. The capstone event the snatching up rescue of believers is the rapture of the church uniting christians with Jesus and their eternal bodies in an instant
The Return Of Jesus Christ comes in two phases one is the end of the church age or the rapture. The poem discusses the importance of this and the joy it provides.