Hypocritical Christians Hypnotized

Hypocritical Christians Hypnotized

We often don't see our need for something until we need it, then we drop everything to take care of it. This is sheepish yet typical. God is who we need but we are blinded to need. Furthermore we have been tricked into thinking he doesn't exist or he is a killjoy that will punish us so we stay far away. But he died for us to reconcile ourselves to HIM even in our sin !
four men sitting on platform

The Capstone Event On The Corner

The Corner a place where we hang out growing up where we learned alot about life. It is a shadow of hanging out with Jesus as the cornerstone learning life and learning to have eternal life. The capstone event the snatching up rescue of believers is the rapture of the church uniting christians with Jesus and their eternal bodies in an instant