The love of God provides for us in many ways - most importantly in covers our transgression past present and future at moment of faith, that is why apostle paul got upset when people distorted this fact
We like to think we have a saving grace - but - do we ? Yes and No ! We have it but its not in us ...its Jesus and His Righteousness extended and forwarded to our account.
God has mercy on us and there is hope - the best example is the apostle paul's life he was a murderer by conspiracy and if he had his way everyone would be dead who believed in Jesus, but God changed that and turned him into the greatest preacher and apostle so there is hope for us on the continuum of sin
Life As A Christian Is All About Growth. Faith Saves Us then Comes Sanctification then Glorification. For Churches to condemn people for not being spiritual enough is the wrong thing to do. There are Carnal Christians - and Baby Christians Both move to maturity and it may take time. Or they May Never Grow but they are still Christians.
We Are Walking Miracles yet we take it for granted in fact we dont even think God exists despite fact that we have the most sophisticated creative object in universe, our bodies~