Thursday’s Poem: It’s On Today !

man standing on brown rock cliff in front of waterfalls photography
Photo by Oliver Sjöström on

The Secrets Of Life

We Can Discover

We Are All On A Path 

We Need To Uncover

The Truth Is Veiled

Yet Is So Obvious

We Are So Fallen

But We Are Oblivious

Blind As Sheep

A Stolen Metaphor

How True It Is

We Ignore What Life Is For

Even With Words

Written Down to Test

We Pull Over The Covers

Drink, Eat And Rest

Ignorance Is Bliss

We Just Develop Our Manners

As Long As The Check Clears

Pay Me – All That Matters

We Forget About Our Need

How Vulnerable We Are

We Miss Out On Eternal Life

Even Temporal With God

We Fill Out Our Hearts

With Many Things Yonder

They Seem Like Fun

But When Empty We Wonder

Is There Really A God ?

How Come I’m Not Acquainted ?

No, I Won’t Read The Bible

I’m Trained – It’s Tainted

My Education – Important

But I Barely Read a Book

TV Always On 

Teaching Me – Not To Look

God Is Everywhere

His Creation Is Sublime

We Have No Excuse

To Not Acknowledge In Time

Television Is The Device

It Drubs The Weakened Mind

Creates A Frantic State

Leaves Us Hypnotized

After Thirty Seconds 

A Trance Does Appear

The Viewer Is Subject

To Anything That Endears

We Align Ourselves

With What We See Glorified

So That We Can Be Loved

By The Spirit of TV – Magnified

For We Really Need Love

We Look For Everywhere

And We Need To Be Loved

Click The TV – Gaze and Stare

Yet One Cannot Disturb

For TV Is One’s Freedom

We Cannot Point Out The Cost

Where It Is Going To Leave Them

We Rest Our Minds To Agree

Glorified Visuals – Seen on TV

The Glitzy Power Our Teacher

Leaves Us In Dire Need

It’s Not Just What Is Said

Or How It Is Presented

But It’s What Is Not Said

It Renders Us Demented

We Crave For More

What Is On Next ?

We Flip The Channels

Looking For A Fix

Addicted To The Buzz

The Visuals and The Cuts

The Subtle Suggestiveness

Hell, It Satisfies Our Lust

But There Is A Victory

The Program Unseen Is Him

Love God With Your Mind

All Of It – A Commandment

Although We Cannot Fulfill

It’s Why Christ Died For Us

The Commandment Is There

Encourages – But No Must

The Commandments of God

Lead Us To Realize

Why We Need A Redeemer

As We Fall Short In Size

The Slander Occurs 

As Others Don’t See

What Apostle Paul Taught

And Jesus Fulfilled For Thee

We Are Told – God Is Harsh

Ready to Punish Us Hard

Obey Obey Obey

Is Not His Calling Card

We Are All Fallen

Read – Romans 1,2,3

Christ Died So 

We Could Live Forever Free

Heaven Is The Place

God Has For Us

By Those Who Accepted 

Jesus Is Enough

The Blood Poured Out

He Shouted “It Is Finished

No Secret Way to Heaven

The Sacrifice Replenished

For He Redeemed Us

With Not Silver and Gold

With Not A Lamb From Earth

But From God – It’s Bold

His Plan Is Astounding

Saving Us – Even Today!

When A Soul Believes

Crossing Over to Stay

Eternal Life Is Granted

To The One With – Gift Of Faith

To Have It – Supernatural

Born Again – You Might Say

Faith Is The Only Must

Jesus Said You Need

The Commandments Now Filled

The Born Again Plea

For You Must Be Born Again

The Spiritual Birth Is The Key

Heaven’s Door Is Open

With Only A Golden Entry

At Moment of Faith Set

We Are Redeemed For Good

Justified Forever At Last

Though We Sin, Understood ?

Rasputin – We Are Not

But When We Inevitably Sin

We Have It Covered

By The Amazing Blood of Him

Grace Is What It’s Called

The Need Is So Dear

Insured and Covered – The Paid Way

The Greatest Enemy of Fear

Thank You God So Much

For Giving Me What I Need

Eternal Life For Free

Today, I Thank Thee.

rKw Jr 08.04.21

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