Inherit The Spin

Inherit The Spin

Inherit The Spin

The Windy City

The Windy World

It Winds A Ditty

Trained To Mock

Hollywood Endorsed

All Characters Flock

All Roles Reversed

Inherit The Wind

Does It Not Suggest?

All Of Your Life

Absolutely Worthless?

No Redemption

The End An Abyss

The Love Empty

The Desperate Kiss

No Bible Consult

The Trial Concluded

A Wasting Of Time

Evolution The Ruler

Scopes Result

A Trial Of Dare

Waging Finger At God

The Devil’s Spear

Piltdown Man Ran Cover

Provided Excuse

The World Took Notice

Today Rings True

Yet Piltdown Man Exposed

40 Years Later

All But A Lie

A False Dictator

Hollowood Preached

We Still Obey

Sex, Drugs, Rock

Souls Depraved

Evolutionary Wars

Stole Many Lives

World War 1, 2

All Based On Taught Lies

Inheriting The Spin

The World Still Infected

The Empty Box Opened

At Deathbed Sickened

We Need Truth

We Need Salvation

Jesus Is Both

All Need His Ovation

He Is Happy

When You Avoid

The Lies Promoted

By The Devil’s Ploys

The One Movie

Inherit The Wind

Says You Are Nothing

We Applaud Mr. Token

Movies Entertain

But Powerfully Seduced

We Have No Idea

Trampled Over Truth

Truth That Cures

Truth That Saves

Truth That Provides

Eternal Life Today

It Is For Freedom

As Christ Set You Free

The Inherit The Wind

The False Victory

Slavery Not Freedom

Death Not Life

War Not Peace

We Are So Bright

Believing Freedom 

Away From God

Fooled By A Movie

Inheriting A Mirage

rKw Jr 13.10.21

Robert Kelly Circa 2014
Robert Kelly b 1965

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