Independence Today

Independence Today
Photo by Designecologist

Independent And Free

Life Turns Out To Be

Christ Broke The Curse

History Unreversed

Still Darkness Exists

Time Will Persist

The God Of This Age Doomed

Highway To The Hell Tomb

The Only Target Now

Slandering Christians Endowed

Granted Eternal Life

Facing The Devil’s Jealous Sound

The Demons Are Active

Raging Cages Theatric

All The World’s A Stage

But God Protects The Age

Your Enemy On The Prowl

Looking To Devour

Stealing And Destroying

Yet Has Limited Power

Fire Works In Crafty Ways

The Deepest Secrets of Man

Pawns and Princes Played

Disposed Quickly Out of Hand

Once Used Disguarded

Wasted Life And Time

The Youthful Peak Carded

It’s Purpose Fulfilled Behind

Dropped MusiciansActors

Aging Rock Stars

Youthful GloryFactored

The Best Of All – Charred

CNN Pokes – Taunts

Reporters Blind – Distant

Hollywood Always Mocks

Colleges Suppress – Haunt

Why Sell Your Soul To Satan ?

One Way or Another

Why Die For His Cause

Or Be Know as His Martyr

For Satan Is Defeated

Jesus Is The Answer

Freedom and Independence

Glorified New Dancers

For Joy We Will Be Happy

Dancing In The Clouds

Living Forever For Free

How Independence Really Sounds

rKw Jr 04.07.21

Location: Lordship, Connecticut July 4, 2021

Robert Kelly Poet b 1965

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