In The Whirlwind

In The Whirlwind

The Events Occur

Damage Goods Stunned

Life Continues 

We Need To Run

The Pain Now

Seems So Minor

The Events At Present

Are Shadowed Finer

The Stun Resonates

The Crime To Victim

Storm Weathered

All Problems Dwindles

Not A Word Harsh

No Upset Mind

A Separate Peace Emerges

Happy To Be Alive

Relative To Now

The Problems Here

Normally A Point Of Concern

Now Not To Fear

Counting Blessing

The Peace Overcomes

The Curse And Urgency

Now All Under One

An Actual Blessing

The Trouble Possessed

The Life Now Covered

With Blessings Above

rKw Jr 05.05.22

Robert Kelly

b 1965

A Christian Poet

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