Ignorance: Blissfully Woeful

Ignorance: Blissfully Woeful
Photo by Budgeron Bach on Pexels.com

We Can Barely Talk Of God

Hardly Mention His Name

But To Discuss Satan

Is Never Fair Game

How Blind We Are

We Just Drift Along

Don’t Care To Discover

What God Has Done

We Are Told What To Think

We Are Told What Not To Read

We Are Conditioned Daily

By The Hide And Seek

Satan Keeps Us Busy

He Doesn’t Want Us To Know

God Opened Heaven’s Door

With His Body On Cross Below

God Took On Mortality

He Stepped Inside A Flesh

He Sacrificed Himself

The Blood Acquits Our Debts

Salvation is Accessible!

It Is Free To Discover

Grace Is Unmerited

But We Just Don’t Bother

The Bible Is Discarded

The Theology Dismissed

Why Study God With Your Mind?

We Have Baseball Statistics!

We Waste Our Lives

On Mindless Addictions

Building Worlds Around

The Fallen Conditions

For We Need Redemption

This Is No Life

Thinking Of Things Without

God, The Guiding Light

God Is Love And Life

His Name Means Savior

We Never Would Ever Know

But Mercy Ran The Table

The Words Are Life 

But We Won’t Discover

No Wonder We Chide

“Get A Life” To Another

How Can You Have A Life

If You Won’t Read?

We Think We Are Smart

Following Directions – Good Deeds

But Good Deeds Don’t Get You In

You Need Perfect Demeanor

Perfect Life – No Sin

We Sure Have Neither

But Troubleshoot Your Life

See There Is A Death

There Is A Bug To Work Out

Try A Different Business

Look Up And Around

See What Is On Table

Who Makes What Claims

And Are They Stable?

Get Educated

Assess All The Tenants

Use Your Mind And Talents

Drag Books Into Your Net

Sift And Pick

Choose And Weigh

Is There Anyone Close

To Jesus And The Way?

Life Is Stemmed

The Bud Is Plucked

The Flower Pruned

With Other Stuff

The Brain Hungers

It Needs A Fix

Television Visuals

Do The Trick

We Become A Zombie

No Other Word

For We Know No Way

To Discover The World

People Won’t Believe 

Until They See It On TV

The Life That We Lead

Relies On It’s Veracity

It’s Like A Lover

Who Dazzles With Fashion

Doesn’t Matter What Is Said

Images A Flashin

Programming The Mind

Out Of Waste And Haste

So Little Time 

Just Watch What’s On Late

Satan Persuades Us

Shelves Thinking Abilities 

We Are Only As Good As

The Information Seen

Blinded We Are

We Cannot Appreciate

The Simple Things In Life

The Alpha God Orchestrates

Dulled Our Senses

We Pass Through The Zone

Reaching Our Destiny

The Soul All Alone

Never Born Of God

Never Born Of Heaven

Never Born Of Life

Never Born Of Spirit

We Can Really Be Someone

In Life and Eternity

We Are More Than Contenders

We Should Plainly See

Eternal Life Beckons

Its Simple A Child Can Find

Look Now More Than Conquerors

The Rest In Omega Fine

rKw Jr 24.04.21

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