I Remember You

I Remember You
Photo by cottonbro

You And I

The Disco Era

Topped The Charts

Too Young To Remember

Rick James –

Super Freak

Funk Reporter

Square Biz Speak

I Heard It Today

Many Years Later

I Never Knew

James Was The Player

Ever Get The Sensation

Of Discovering History?

That Fine Moment

Your Smile’s Glistening

You And I

Led To Many Hits

Of Course I Listened

In Middle Of Zits

But That First One 

You And I

I Never Recall

He Brought Alive

How Is It

We Can Live And Grow

Not Knowing Important

News To Go?

But You And I

“We” Need To Know

Something Vital

To Live Aglow

The Spirit Life

Is Purchased For You

By The Cross

Comforting Glue

You Need Him

He Leads And Guides

His Resurrecting Power

Lives Inside

Helps Us Meet Jesus

In Sky Above

The Rapture Started

The Restrainer Ungloved

Don’t So Walk Past

But If You Do

Take A Look Back

The Cross Is You

We Were Crucified 

With Him Too

We Can Live Now

Dispensation Proved

We Live Under Grace

Today – SavedSing

Life Healing Mistakes

The Blood Chasing

Cross Over To Life

Eternally Guaranteed

What More Is A Trifle

Place Us On Knee

Yet Bow We Will 

Every Knee Will Do

Confess Jesus Christ

To Glory of God, Who?

But Rituals Not Needed

Just A Simple Faith

Will Get You The Best

You And I – Less Hate

Remember Your Creator

This Memorial Of Grace

The Fallen Sacrifice

For The Human Race

rKw Jr 31.05.21

Robert Kelly Poet b. 1965

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