Hypocritical Christians Hypnotized

Hypocritical Christians Hypnotized
Photo by Petr Ganaj on pexels.com

The Need Will Arise

It Was So Hidden

All Of A Sudden

Everybody Is Smitten

They Need To Know 

A Place Of Concern

Will They Escape

The Hell Fire Burn

But Bliss Is Present

We Never Question

What Happens

When Life Is Beckoned

They Trust No Creed

They Only See

What Hypnotized

The Circus Tv

All Christians Hypocrites

Easily Dismissed

I Know God

To Me Acquit

Bible Nonsense

It Long Since Disproven

My Lofty Education

Will Drive Me To Ruin

How To Ignore

God’s Album Done

A Song Sung Today

Hit Records – His Son

He Predicted The Future

From Long Ago

Said It Was The Test

To Know He Is Yo

The I Am

Attested Often

Laced In Bible

Apples Not Rotten

God Surfaced

He Rose 

He Comes Again

He Shows

Life is Deception

Without Knowledge

Without God

Wisdom Dotage

We Closed It Off

Our Minds Snatched

Nothing Enters

The Eye – Ear Hatch

Though Visible

Anyone Can See

Creation and Creator

No Excuse, Guilty

The Christian Believes

It Makes Him So

Guilty Yet Free

Salvation Bestowed

Hypocrite as Charged

Yet Forgiven Today

He Will Be Granted

A Pardon To Play

So Do Think Again

Reconsider It All 

This is Repentance

A Part of Faith, Y’all

Then Tables Turn

Momentum Swings

Everybody in Line

Who Would Believe?

rKw Jr 22.05.21

Poet Robert Kelly b 1965

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