How To Time Your Life

How To Time Your Life

Timing Is Everything

Serendipity Is Good

Something Occurring

Shocked We Stood

A Deja Vu Feel

Events Collide

Clash And Splash

The Best Coincide

Over Time He Reigns

Outside Of Dimension

Governing At Once

The Angels Commissioned

All For Good

To Show He Is Better

Above The Evil

What Seems To Be Greater

Yet The Chaos Past

Didn’t Stop At All

The Cross And Jesus

Measured Tall

Precise And Accurate

For All To See

That God Is God

Over History

Prophetically Prognosticated

The Savior Fullfilled

All The Predictions

The Time Stood Still

The Dates We See

All Have A Purpose

All Say Hello

To The Royally Robed Person

God In The Flesh

He Has Won

Death Defeated

We Have Just Begun

rKw Jr 010.11.22

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