How Kids Are Really Punked

How Kids Are Really Punked
Photo by Victoria Borodinova

Kids Are Kids

Their Stage Is Open

Their Minds Circulating

With Hearts Going

They Take In All

And Become Wiser

Learning Much

They Ride Higher

Sheep In A Sense

A Kid Is A Goat

Greatest For Satan

To Thwart All Hope

Channel His Vision

Corrupt His Values

Tell Him Everything

Permissively Shallow

Only God

Can Guide The Soul

Who Surrounded By Evil

People With Holes

People Lie

Right To Their Kids

They Must Hate

The Poor Lost Lid

Generations Led

To The Slaughter

Blind Leading Blind

The Sheep Follow

A Small Window

To Train And Tell

About Jesus Christ

Keeping Us From Hell

As They Grow

Indoctrination Stronger

Evolution Atheism 

Freedom ‘s Rejoiner

Freedom Is Ballyhooed

Touted As Such Glory

Yet Misunderstood

Missing God’s Story

For God Set Us Free

From Imminent Death

He Took The Penalty

Liberty’s Best Bet

So To Be Truly Free

Is To Be Under Grace

Forgiven – Justified

Sanctified – No Waste 

For A Child Is Born

Into This World

He Is Never Wasted

If God Secured

And A Child Was Born

Shouldering The Government

True Freedom Purchased

True Future Development

So Tell On The Mountain

The Gospel Is Good

Just Believe And Be Saved

The Ultimate – Understood?

rKw Jr 29.05.21

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