Hope’s Cry

Hope’s Cry

The Nearest Hope

We All Agree

Is What We Know 

What We See

Yet Items Revealed

They Are Your Friends

Just An Introduction

The Acquaintance Mends

Our Lives Are Frayed

We Do Our Best

Even At The Top

We Are Full of Unrest

How To Keep

All That I Have ?

How To Sleep ?

The Day Is Mad

Onward We Cycle

We Keep Our Cool

The Best Is To Come

We Say Each Noon

Suffering Each Of Us

In Countless Ways

The Life Is Great

Yet We Are Dismayed

We See Potential

What Could It All Be

We Catch Mighty Glimpses

Of Here To Eternity

Heaven’s Beckon

There Must Be More

Death The Sudden End

Encroaching The Door

Approaching the Problem

We Are Perplexed 

We Seem To Recover

The Life Complex

Inferior We Feel

Shamed At Many Levels

Memories Steel

The Feelings of Blunder

All Things Can Work

For Good – Even The Bad

The Lower We Get

The Better To Be Sad

Don’t Try To Hide

Your Feelings Emerging

They Do Appear

To Help You Each Morning

Revelation Springs

Divine Inspiration

We Would Never See

In Pride’s Perspiration

Creation Speaking

We See A Mighty Hand

The Creator Remembered

His Word To Understand

A Simple Message

Hidden At All Costs

Blind We Are

Educated Beyond Thoughts

Free At Last

Eternal Life Present

The Redemption Now

All For An Assent

Personal Apocalypse

Your Holy Grail

Your Life Hidden

His Arm Unveils

We Do Have Hope

It’s Dimension Eternal

Escape From The Decay

Glorified The Journal

In The Book of Life

All Believers Found

Their Names In Blood

We Are Heaven Bound

Hope In Heavens

Not Pie In Sky

Verified Objectively

In History’s Cry

Get Saved Today !

The Only Concern

An Instant Moment

No Need To Burn

rKw Jr 20.08.21

Robert Kelly Born 1965 –

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