Hope In Real Time

Hope In Real Time

The Line of Christ

Does Get Dirty

When One Considers

All Of The Worthy

Worthy To Be

Selected In Time

Gracing God’s Lineage

Something’s Unrhymed

David The Man

After God’s Heart

Murdered The Man

His Wife Stolen Apart

Sending Him To

The Heaviest Fighting

Uriah Murdered

David Delighting

Lot And Daughters

Come Together And Made

A Great Nation Of Moabs

Ruth Came Along This Way

Tamar And Judah

Tricked By Lust

Enticed By Sin

Perez Line To Jesus

Rahab A Consort

Name Famous

In The Direct Line

Jericho To Jesus

Solomon, David’s Son

A Bastard Of Adultery

Yet God In Mercy

Rose Him To Great Heights

God And The Bible

Do Not Hide

The Weakness Of Man

His Direct Blood Line

rKw Jr 018.04.22

Robert William Kelly American Poet b 1965 – born again 1993

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