Hope In Anguish

Hope In Anguish
Photo by Lamar Belina on Pexels.com

Anguish Is A Mangled State

Our Minds Are Blurred  – Don’t Contemplate

Life Infliction – Hits Us With Pain

Confusion – Frustration Uncured – Drain

woman face emotion alone
Photo by Ana Bregantin on Pexels.com

We Feel The Sting Of Mental Knives

And Run From Every Reminder Of Our Lives

Out Of Control Events Have Occurred

No Remedy Unless Death Unfurled

Lucky Are Those Who Never Had To Endure

The Most Painful Emotion That Can Occur

Anguish Is Mental – Seems Physical Too

Only Time, God And Space Can Undo

Through The Desert We Find Our Selves

Often Alone With No One To Tell

No One Could Understand The Sudden Turmoil

Even God Is Far – We Suffer In Turn

man in black shirt and gray denim pants sitting on gray padded bench
Photo by Inzmam Khan on Pexels.com

There Is Hope – Yes We Know That Well

But When In Hole It Seems Like Hell

If You Discover You Are There

It Seems Forever But All Alone – Dare

Find A Way To Get Busy And Work

Get An Activity That Satisfies Your Thirst

Even If You Have To Keep Long Hours

A Break From Crowd’s Bitter Powers

man in white crew neck t shirt standing beside window
Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

God Is There He Will Eventually Show –

How To Overcome With Him And Roll

Rise Above This Crazy Painful Time

Look Back – Anguish There  – But Your Fine

silhouette photo of woman against during golden hour
Photo by Jill Wellington on Pexels.com

It Will Weigh On You Heavy And Future

God Will Show You How To Overcome The Torture

Little Things Will Be Better – Each Day Taught More

He Will Provide Guidance, Peace and Closure

rKw Jr 30.01.21

Robert Kelly Circa 2015

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