Hope And Burdens

Hope And Burdens

Anxiety High

How To Deal

Life Swirls

Caving For Real

The Walls Close In

The Choices Few

The People Suffer

The Anguish Viewed

Suffering Daily

The Day Is Long

Each Day Consists

Evil Prolonged

The Days Are Evil

So Stay Busy

Keep Alert

The Devil’s Preying

Tricking And Fooling

Lies Into Truths

Truths Into Lies

Attention Accrued

We Lack Consideration

We Are Dismissed

The World Is Cold

The End Hopeless

At Our Nadir

Our Lost Point

We Can Find Near

God’s Voice

Come To Me

All Burdened

Take My Yoke

The World Turning

The World Fallen

The World Cursed

Out Of Eden

The Sudden Burst

Orphaned And Lost

Lonely And Discouraged

Vulnerable And Hurting

Yet Proudly Encouraged

Look Out For Number One

It’s A Dog Eat Dog World

Step Over On Way Up

Your Enemies Deserve

Mixed Messages 

Occur Often In Life

The Fool The Greatest

Searing Consciences Bright

The Word Is Life

It Doesn’t Return Void

It Gives “New Life

Refreshing Joy Unheard

Hear It Now

Come To Me

I Will Give You Rest

Burdens Casting

rKw Jr 06.10.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

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