Hooked On A Cheap Trick

Hooked On A Cheap Trick

Hypnotically Entranced

We Answer To Bells

Music Played On Tubes

Sways Us Too Well

Self-Imposed Glory

Importantly Charged

Vitally Signaled

Virtual Mirage

We Jump To See

The Boilerplating Copy

Delivery Astounding

Variety of Sameness

Dulling Senses

Fooling Our Dreams

Tricking Cheap

The Music Seems

The Cheap Trick 

Dumb Luck

Folly Sold

As Good Stuff

The Bill Of Goods

We Do Survey

 A Search Warrant

All Left Dismayed

rKw Jr 01.12.22

Robert Kelly Born 1965

A Christian Poet born again 8-6-1993

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