Higher Highs

Higher Highs
Photo by MART PRODUCTION on Pexels.com

The Addict Lives

The Addict Loves

The Addict Knows

Nothin’ Is Enough

Under The Grip

He May Often Relapse

The Mind Twisting Senses

He Thinks He Can Surpass

A Lifestyle Of Choice

The Choice Is Not Free

It Becomes A Habit

A Friend You Don’t Need

The High Too Fine

The Rest A Bore

What The Heck

Today I’ll Score

The World Is Lost

I Have No Comfort

I’ll Just Take Tonight

There’ll Be No Other

fashion man love people
Photo by MART PRODUCTION on Pexels.com

The Rush Woos

The World Vanishes

The Mind Adores

The Sudden Flashes

The Crash Comes

The Pain Ensues

Why Again

Do I Win – Then Lose?”

Photo by MART PRODUCTION on Pexels.com

There Must Be A Way

I Need To Escape

Out Of This Body

And Life I Hate

All Alone

I Have Days To Wonder

I Know The Choice

Will Come – Asunder

Socially Redeeming Value

The Addict Does Possess

So Does Anyone 

With A Breath Left

God Is There

He Will Be Strong

Even At Your Weakest

Death’s Door Belong

The Thorn In The Flesh

It’s There To Provide

To Show To You

The Need of Him To Ride

Believe And Be Saved

Everyone Who Calls

On Jesus – The Last Breath

Included In The Fall

We Are Saved 

Even At Deaths Door

A Deathbed Conversion

Gets You In For Sure

The Thief On The Cross

Was Promised Paradise

Although A Sinner

And No Church In Sight

There Is Hope

The Addict – Respect

There Is Life 

The Sinner – Reflect

Addiction In Life

Jesus Freaks – Accused

Are We Addicted

To The Bible And Good News ?

Obsessed We Are Called

But Haven’t They Even Read ?

We Get New Bodies

New Mansions In Heaven

The Jesus Freak

Is Not Perfect

But Addicted To Christ

Is Certainly Worth It

Addictive Personalities

Feed Off The Excitement

No Greater High

Flying The Firmament

The Bending Air

We Ride Across Life

The Spirit Our New Guide

Love, The Drug To Try

For God Is Love

He Can Be Your Pleasure

Your Strength Is His Joy

Abundant Life – The New Measure

rKw Jr 22.04.21

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