Hidden In Plain Sight

Hidden In Plain Sight

Escape The Day!

Escape The Wrath!

The Easy Way

To Everlast!

We All Dream

Day Or Night

To Live Forever

Standing Bright

We Skip The Facts

Avoid The News

We Educate Ourselves

All Is June

September Goes

We Face Uncertainty

October Speaks

Of Death’s Vanity

December Rises

The Reaper Comes

The Days Close

Window Shuts

Life A Vapor

Life A Mist

Life Adjourning

Did We Miss?





Deceived Now

Never To Consider

Some Good News

The Devil A Blender

He Mixes The Truth

With Much Lies

Deceiving As Good

We Never See Why

He Sways Today

All The World

We Stay Lost,

Alone Unfurled

Status Inactive

Status Reactive

Status Rendered

Life Shattered

Wisdom Sought

Man So Bright

Cicero To Erasmus

Missing The Light

God Reveals 

God Shows

His Love Inked

Pages Flowed

The Message

Simple – Complex

God Came To Serve

Perfectly Resurrect

The Future Revealed

The Chaos Played

All To Show

He Is Above Fray

His Will Is Done

The Prophecies Sure

The Plank Tested

The Future Reserved

The Rapture 

Coming For Us

Up We Go

Harpoon Thrust

Rescued Age

Evil Eschewed

Hope For Today

Found In Blues

rKw Jr 29.09.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

Christian Poet

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