Here, Near And Everywhere

Here, Near And Everywhere

God Is Near

He Is Also Here

The Trinity Suggests

We Are Under Care

The Doctor Comes

The Great Physician

The Fall Great

The Masked Hidden

Hiding From All

Including Self

Ignoring Need

And Prospect of Hell

God Is Near

He Also Hears

The Praying Man

The Salvation Rare

Few Find

God In Due Time

Few Believe

The Gospel Rhymes

Salvation Free

The Gospel Wonder

All For Me

I Am Now Under

Under His Care

Under His Wing

Over The World

Overcoming History

His Story Checks

Both Rhythm and Rhyme

All For Freaks

Who Follow Him Blind

Creation Glows

Rendering The Verdict

The Evidence Seen

Anyone Who Is Sick

We Are All Fallen

Without Excuse

Not Blind But Sick

Dazed And Obtuse

Look Up Today

Become Spiritually Alive

Reborn To Say

The Divine Has Arrived

rKw Jr 07.10.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

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