Heaven Stolen

Heaven Stolen

A Christian Twists

The Bible Verse

To Create A Best

Angle To Immerse

Is It True

We Are Sure

The Devil Knows

How To Confuse 

We Add To Gospel

Claim Its Necessary

Doubletalking Every

Presentation Made

Believe And Be Saved

Yet Also Repent

The Definition Found

Leaves Much Regret

It Cannot Be Both

One Is Corrupted

Repent Doesn’t Mean

What Everyone Is Discussing

Repent Is Only

Rethink And That’s It

Its Not Feeling Sorry

Or Doing A U Turn Quick

We Are Distorting The Gospel

We Preachers Are Preaching

Just A False Gospel

We Are The False Teachers

Believe Be Saved

What Did Jesus Say

To The Woman At Well

Although Most Depraved

There Is Hope

It Should Build And Swell

Cause The Church To Share

Instead Turns Inward Shell

Not Only Do We Believe Wrongly

But We In Turn Don’t Share

We Are Not Parylized

But Neutralized Be Aware

If We Are Not Moving Forward

And Sharing The Gospel

No Paralysis

Just Hell

rKw Jr 04.02.22

Robert William Kelly

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