Heaven Revealed

Heaven Revealed

Impossible To Describe

Dreams We Often Have

Try As We Might

Nothing Compares

Is Heaven A Dream ?

Some Say It Is

Impossible To Know

Or Is It ?

Trust Is A Word

We Toss It Around

But It’s The Key To Life

Knowing What’s Going Down

For If We Trust The Bible

We Can Know Where We Are

Know Where We Are Going

Know How Far

What Prevents Us From Trust

Is A Thing Called Slander

The Bible Comes To Us

Already Slimed And Tattered

We Think We Are Doomed

Since We Know We Sin

We Feel Like It’s Hopeless

So Might As Well Diss Him

But Salvation Is By Grace

It’s Not What You Do

It’s Who You Believe

Then You Are Good

Our Goodness Fails

Jesus Know’s That

He Went To The Cross

To Redeem Our Back

Salvation Is Free

Yes We Still Do Sin

But Get Yourself A Pardon

The Free Ticket To Heaven

But We Listen To Others

Who Say We Need More

Than What Jesus Did

Faith In Him A Snore

We Need Purgatory

Or Make God Lord 

But He Is Already He

Extinguished Fire Assured

But God’s Wrath Does Remain

Don’t Ignore Jesus

To Stand Before God

All Alone – What Recourse ?

Why Ever Bother ?

To Pick It Up At All

To See What Is What – 

God’s Bible Story Recalls

But It Not Only Reveals

It Tells The Future Too

The Basics You Need

To Get You On Through

It Solves All Our Problems

Puts Them In Eternal Light

Gives Us Hope

A Redemption In Sight

All For Free

The Good News Is Great

For We Don’t Deserve

But Don’t Have To Wait

We Get Eternal Life

The Moment We Believe

If That Ain’t A Cool God

You Have Been Deceived

Better Than A Dream

Yet We Still Know

That Dreams Don’t Come True

But With God They Glow

For No Eye Has Seen

No Ear Has Heard

What God Has For Us

In Store In Heaven – Third

But It Is Revealed To Us 

The Spirit Does Show

It’s In The Bible

In A Sense We Know

The Bible Is Written 

By Men Carried Along

By The Holy Spirit

God, The Author – Shown

So It Says Much Aplenty

The Golden Streets Accorded

New Bodies Like His

Are Now Afforded

A Mansion, A Place

A Room For You

In Heaven By Jesus

Built By Woo Hoo

A Kingdom Of Priests

We Rule And Reign

With Jesus The Almighty

For 1000 Years Same

We Will Judge Angels

The Spirit Does Reveal

All In The Bible

See ? – It’s Not Concealed

Trust Is The Key

It Opens The Door

To Believing The Promises

God Has In Store

The Bible is Provable

It’s Beyond Examination

Take Simon Greenleaf

His Testimonial Reputation

For He Was Harvard’s Finest

The Royal Law Professor

Who Founded Harvard Law

No Glorious Successor

Harvard University Cambridge MA USA 02138

He Said The Resurrection

The Faith Key Element

Could Be Proven

In Any US Court

By Using Eyewitness Testimony

The Ancient Rules Thereof

The Resurrection Is Proven

So Take Off Your Gloves

Lay Down Your Defense

God Rose From The Dead

Admit It – He Is Sovereign

The Bible – Trusted ! 

Pride Is The Obstacle

We Don’t Want To Be Informed

We Know It All

Yet The Bible Is Obscured

Satan Has Blinded Us

Even As We Live

The Whole World Swayed

To Focus On Self – Not Him

Selfishness Is Empty

We Need To Live For More

For If I Get Aplenty

It’s Really A Bore

There Has To Be More

In This Wonderful Life

I’m Going To Die

Need A First Class Flight

Want To Live Forever

I Can Now See

Jesus Lived, Died And Rose

So I Can Live Eternally

rKw jr 16.04.21

Robert Kelly Circa 2014
Robert Kelly b 1965 –

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email: bob@robertkellypoetry.com

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