Growth In A Church Setting

Growth In A Church Setting

Tinder to The Flame

A Toxic Situation

Inevitably Clashing

The Spiritual Condition





The Dessert

A Companion

Never Alone

God’s Mastering

Avoiding All

Peer Pressure First

Avoiding Information

Reading Bad Books

Reading Vital

But Only As Good

As Information Given

We Fall Along Misunderstood

The One Man Band

Dominating A Group

Never To Understand

All Is A Coup

Divisive The Curse

Yet Questions Remain

Unable To Grow

Alone Is The Game

Respect The Man

Who Tries To Be True

To Gods Leading

And Guiding Us Through

The Growth Paramount

Yet Stymied And Scared Off

Fear Encroaches

Socially Hook By  Stuff

It Takes An Event

A Confrontation

The Good vs Bad

Growth vs Regression

501c Strangles

Forces Pastors Hand

Makes Him Turn

Points At The Band

Denominational Demons

Ask For Assent

Yet How Can We Learn

And Grow With Disenchantment

God Is A Journey

Starts With A Birth

Spiritual Awakening

Satisfies Thirst

Church Throws Out The Hardware

Tries To Do It Right

But Growth Of The Individual

Is Secondary Developmental Blight

A One Man Operation

Places All In Jeopardy

All Must Agree

Or Face Spiritual Thuggery

rKw Jr 013.04.22

Robert Kelly

b 1965

A Christian Poet

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