Grouchy and… Rejoicing ?

Grouchy and… Rejoicing ?
Photo by PNW Production


Again He Said “Rejoice

The Joy Of The Lord

Our Strength’s Voice

Name It

Claim Him

Don’t Worry

Fear Not Them

More Than A Conqueror

The Overcomer

With God As Savior

And Angels Beside You!

No Greater Love

God Has For You

He Laid Down His Life

So You Could Be Two

The Bride Of Christ

God Comes To Live

In Our Temple

Don’t Grieve Him 

But If You Do

There Is An Defender

An Advocate Of Yours

Against Satan – Pretender

Satan Is The Deceiver

The Whole World Lured

Faustian Deals 

Each Man A Turn

Nothing Can Snatch You

From God’s Hand

Satan Rebuked By A Word

Never Will he Be Grand

Pride Was His Fall

Never To Be

As God The Creator

Imitating To A Tee

Cast Down To Earth

His Time Is Short

He Knows He Has Lost

He Tries To Subvert

Taking Those Fooled

A Similar Destiny

Yet Time Still Exists

For Us To Get Free

Just Believe And Be Saved

How Hard Is That?

Thankful For God

To Sacrifice His Cat

For Jesus Is Cool

The Greatest Of All

Defeating By Dying

Our Penalty Gone

Now We Are Free

It’s A Bible Verse

“It Is For Freedom

That Christ Died For Us”

Grouchy We Are

We Forget So Easy

Lost In The Day

Frustrated And Quesy

Depression Sets In

Our Minds Lose It’s Zap

We Slip Into A Trance

Never To Come Back

Taught We Are Well

To Forget About God

To Run From The Thought

Since He Is So Hard

But Lies Are Not Facts

God Is The Truth

Look For Yourself

Don’t Listen To Fools

He Says “I’m Here

I Died For You

You Can Be Free

From All Burdens Too

Rejoicing Again

He Made It So Simple

It Had To Be That Way

We Have Many Pimples

Sinners We Are

But Now We Are Seen

As Though Crimson Red

Snow White – Clean

rKw Jr 26.06.21

Robert Kelly Poet b 1965

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