Grief To Joy

Grief To Joy

The Cursed Creation

Drives The Life

We Are Faced

With Much Strife

Wars, Poverty

Struggle, Oppression

Leaders Lying

Triumphant Elections

We Work Harder

Paying the Fee

No Money Left

We Work Job 3

Responsibility We Cover

Paying Bills All Over

We Catch A Glimpse

Blindsided Harder

We Stumble, Fall

Lose All Bearing

Do Not Fear

Vision Repairing

Focus Much Here

But Future Over There

Dimension Extension

Heaven’s Full Share

Cover The Bets

Angle The Career

Take All You Can Get

Eternity In Arrears

Guaranteed Insurance

Life’s Best Premium

Never Lapsing

His Esteemed One

God The Father

God The Son

God The Spirit

Paying For Your Fun

The Joy Of The Lord

Is Your Strength

When You’re Weak

Perfection Sent

The Resurrection Promise

At Moment Of Death

Absent From Body

Present With Him Yet

Hope Found

Destiny Oasis

Sold Right Now

All Should Take It

rKw Jr 18.12.21

Robert William Kelly American Poet b 1965 – born again 1993

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