Gracefully Circumspect

Gracefully Circumspect

A Glimpse Back

Forgotten Sore

Opens Deep

Cuts Galore

A Missed Death

Escape Sublime

Diverted Attention

Distracted In Time

Locked Out

Almost A Disaster

The Cost Great

Humiliation Faster

Grace of God

It Is What It Is

Yet We Misdefine

And Stumble Wherein

Is It A Daliance

With Dashing Fate

Or Is It A Doctrine

Covering Our State

We Are Fallen

Dead In Sin

Forgiven When

Belief Comes In

Grace Is Gracious

From God To Us

Covering Our Mess

With Blood From Above

We Stand In Awe

Now He Is Worthy

Born Again By Spirit

Holy Yet Dirty

Place Reserved

In Heaven A Room

On Golden Streets

A Mansion No Tomb

Rethinking God

And Our Dire Straight

Hell The Path

But God Is Great

rKw Jr 11.05.22

Robert Kelly b 1965 A Christian Poet

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