Got Childlike Faith?

Got Childlike Faith?
Photo by willsantt

The Body Wakes

The Mind Restarts

From The Sleep

And Rest Depart

Circuitry Flows

The Dormancy Ends

All For Us

We Must Depend

We Take For Granted

All We Have

Another Day

Rested ‘n Glad

How Do We Continue?

Clouds Overhang

Life Can Twist 

Then Turn Wrong Way

Smooth Sailing Preferred

All Ducks In A Row

Work Hard Today

Tomorrow Will Show

Do We Notice?

Do We Appreciate?

Why Do We Neglect

God’s Gifts So Great?

Just Acknowledge 

What He Has Done

Life Out Of Nothing

We Could Live As One

United We Will Be

All Knees Bow

All Crowns Given

To God With Vows

Thanking Him

For All He Did

Creating Then Dying

For Us Little Kids

A Childlike Faith

We Then Enter In

Don’t Become Callous

And Forget Dear Him

He Is Worthy

Of Our Attention

Of Our Worship

Never Ending

rKw Jr 04.06.21

Robert Kelly American Poet b 1965

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