Getting High On God

Getting High On God

The Search Goes On

We Look Each Day

Sometimes A Routine

Gets In The Way

But We Gather Ourselves

We Remember The Need

We Drive Ourselves

To Find Something Indeed

Something Good

Something Lasting

Something Fun

The Happiness Surpassing

God Is It

Yet We Are Trained Well

To Recite Our Lines

To Mock And Dispell

Yet It Remains Interesting

In Small Moments

We Think About Him

Then Walk On Like Robots

Yet Stay A Moment

Consider Him

He Is The Source

Of Life Within

The Creator And Savior

Dying Just For You

Alive As A Friend

To Bring Comfort Too

Worthy To Be Praised

For These Attributes

Glory Be His Name

He Left Me Not Destitute

Hope For The Homeless

And The Drug Doing

Greater Than Any High

Soaring As Eagles Cruising

Rise Above

The Problems Here

Rise To Him

Heaven So Near

A Place He Made

Just Right For You

He Will Come Again 

To Bring You Renewed

Fun And Happiness

Joy And Contentment

Satisfaction Found

Outside Of The Firmament

rKw Jr 03.10.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

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