Get Psyched For The Hello

Get Psyched For The Hello
Photo by Belle Co

Take The Test

You Cannot Fail

You Will Be Psyched

School Talk Stale

How Do We Learn?

How Do We Pass?

The Big Unknown

Comes At Us Fast

We Are So Young

Up So Early

Little Sleep Had

We Should Worry

Grades Are Great

But What’s The Matter?

If You Never Learn Quick-

Of God You’ll Splatter

Inferiority Complex

The Pressure Imposed

A Future Date Noted

Declamation Throes

Acute Anxiety Attack

No Place To Hide

Trying To Stand Tall

Is God Buried Alive?

He Is Our Strength

He Is Our Refuge

He Lives In Us

The Body Is His Temple

Get Psyched About God!

Salvation Available Now

Just Believe In Him

The Good In Life Found !

Rejoice Again Rejoicing

The Joy Of Him Your Strength

Sure You May Struggle

But With Him No Mistake

rKw Jr 29.06.21

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