Friendships Count

Friendships Count

It’s Just A Game

The Life We Live

Get The Toys

Make Some Friends

Friends So Convenient

We Know the Score

Only Needed

When We Secure

Get What We Need

Oh My Friend

Dispose Them 

Means To An End

Jesus Is A Friend

Do You Even Know?

Also A Savior

The Only Good Hope

Around the Horn

Down The Cape Far

Vessels Broke

Toward Antartica

Melville Twisted

The Great White Continent

The Life Of Man

Chasing Whale Magnificent

Whales Of Achievement

Despite His Faults

Friends Needed

For All Catapaults

Even The Best

The Most Accomplished

Are Fallen

Tarnished or New Finish?

The End Is Near

May Come Today

We Are Terminal

The Ship At Bay

Bring Him In

Believe At Once

Cross Over Straights

To Heaven Bounce

rKw Jr 03.01.21

Robert William Kelly American Poet

b 1965 – born again 1993

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