Freeing Lee Harvey Oswald

Freeing Lee Harvey Oswald

Lee And Me

I Never Knew

Yet His Life Touched

Me And You

His Witness Tall

Over Time Brighter

All Who Conspired

Are Doomed Fighters

Where Do They Run?

At Judgement Day

All Their Shenanigans

All Will Pay

The Evidence Mounts

Undeniably True

Lee Was A Patriot

A Country Loving Fool

He Would Serve 

He Would Save

Giving His Life


Twice He Relayed

Good Information

Protecting The Chief

Domestic Execution

A Pawn Pushed

A Patsy Played

Lee Harvey Oswald

Is Governing The Day

His Example

His Life

Provided Government

The Necessary Stripe

Important To Know

His Life Was Not

About Assassinating

The Chief Plot

His Was Service


Helping The Flag

Whatever The Cause

In Russia

A Call Came

From Washington DC

On The Line RFK

“Come On Back

We Have A Mission

Marcello Loose

Filled With Ambition”

How Could Lee

The Supposed Defector

Be Allowed Back?

A CIA Detective

Handler Of Judy

He Fell In Love

Helping Out

Dr Mary’s Club

A Ring Of Labs

In Old New Orleans

At First Glance

Curing Cancer Dreams

Judyth’s Brilliant IQ

With Top Gifts Abound

Speeding Reading Journals

An Asset No Bounds

Tulane Calling

Ochsner Leading

Ferrie Organizing

Lee Still Breathing

Dr. Mary Sherman

Trying To Fix

The Cancer Epidemic

Looms On Horizon

Nip In Bud

Find A Cure

Polio Abolished

Cancer Unfurled

A New Epidemic

Killing Hundreds Of Millions

Sherman Herself

Was Sacrificed Unwillingly

She Knew Truth

Yet Play Along

Seeing The Evidence

The Danger Her Song

A Hero

Just Like Lee

As In Judy

And David Ferrie

Ed  Wrote So Well

Kris Publishing Arm

Strong Standing Lights

We Must Now Disarm

Fight The Good Fight

Stand For Truth

The Victory Is Ours

Dispute And Reboot!

The Fighting Cry

The Shrine Of The Martyr

What Are Our Lives Worth

If Our Country Dishonors?

Are We Complicit?

Do We Dare Suggest?

Only A Redemption

Can Alter The  Guess

The Deal Done

The Fix In

Covered So Well

In Reality Just Sin

Who Can Save?

Fight The Good Fight

Build Awareness

What Has Come To Sight

Evil Reigns

The Whole World Fallen

Under The Sway

Satanic Problem

Yet There Is Hope 

The Devil Lost

He Is A Loser

Oh What Cost!

Suppression, Oppression

A Daily Chore

To Hide – Even Confiscate

Obliterate The Cure

There Is Hope

There Is New Life

Streets Of Gold

Coming Into Sight

In A Flash, A Twinkle Twinkle

Why Don’t We Declare

God Will Reign

All Governments Here!

Have You Not Heard?

Have You Been Blinded?

The Enemies Of Man

Are So Much Stronger

Hide And Pre-slander

The Biblical Hope

Although Verified In Time

We Ignore It’s Scope

The Message Clouded

Changed And Distorted

Instead of Faith

We Doublespeak The Report

God Has Touched

My Life With Relief

I’m Grateful

To Hear With Belief

JFK, Lee, Judyth Vary Baker

Without Being Around

My Writing, A Love

I  Would Never Have Found

My Life Is Attached 

To These Great People

Serving Their Country

Their Lives UnImpeachable

rKw Jr 29.05.22

Robert Kelly b 1965 A Christian Poet

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