Free Higher Ed

Free Higher Ed

God Activates

He Doesn’t Forget

Every Moment

Within His Grip

Abrahamic Deal

Unilaterally Signed

The Shadow Real

Reaches Our Time

We Are Loved

Unconditionally Named

Known By His

Grace By Faith Gamed

Moses Deal

Conditional Blessing

A Shadow Still

To Our Progression

We Are Owned

Guaranteed Salvation

Yet Should Yield

To Spirit – More Blessings

Knocked Down

Yet Loved

Lookin Up

To Above

Pride Stalls

Keeps Our Gaze

Away From God

He Orchestrates A Way

Everyday Different

Insouciant Plays

Yet Though We Fall

In Christ We Stay

In His Arms

Despite Our Charms

In His Hand

No One Harms

Suffer We May

Yet Eternally His

Proven In Time

Education Quits

Take Responsibility

For Your Own Wisdom

Learn The Bible

The Book of The Kingdom

Habitual Aquainting

Nurture Your Mind

Feed Your Soul

Neglecting Unwise

Your Soul Can Win

You Can Easily Score

An Eternal Life

Jesus Opened The Door

Free Is The Fee

Though It Cost All

God In The Flesh

Paid With His Call

The Kingdom Restoration

God Ruler And Reigns

On His Thrown

Just Wait For The Day

rKw Jr 07.12.22

Robert Kelly

b 1965

A Christian Poet

Educate Yourself

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