Frame And Shame

Frame And Shame

Name The Slander

Frame The Game

We Are Pinned

All To Shame

Define Your Enemy

Describe His Woe

Eliminate His Options

No Longer A Foe

The Idea Evil

Never Paralyzed 

Just Castigate

Then Neutralize

One Step Beyond

To Call For Clarity

To Reduce Population

It’s For Our Charity

Appearing Good

A Necessary Evil

Poison Or Slander

For The People

The Skin Of Truth

Stuffed With Lies

Playbook The Same

Means Justify

Lies The Card

Satanic Infestation

Content Change

To Fool The Population

A New Study

A New Stat

A New Figure

Released By Fiat

Self Imposed Worship

The Numbers Are Hallowed

Yet Easily Smudged

To Create Gallows

rKw Jr 20.12.21

Robert Kelly b 1965 A Christian Poet

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