Fooled Twice

Fooled Twice

The Pose

It’s Nice

It’s Pretends

To Be Right





The Truth Obscured

Subbed And Stubbed

Sleights Of Hands

Words Of Pub

Sound Inspirational

Evoking Comroderie

Appealing To All

Just For Unity

Tricking The Best

Fooling The Worst

All Take A Number

Get In Line First

Atmospheres Increase

The Message Cascading

The Spiritual Deceit

The Treat Masquerading

The Warfare Of Words

Appear Beneficial

But Lies Hidden 

Agenda Wonderful

Wonderful For You

Great For All

The Country Survives

The Soul Falls

So Sweet And Safe

In The Name Of

Expedient Panaceas

Never Work At All

The Rushed Path

The Wake Plagued

Identities Lost

Humanity Played

Playing With Lives

To Get The Votes

Lying For Years

The Payday Smoke

All In Arrears

Everyone Needy

The Bills Too High

Country Weary

Sin Is The Story

The One Unsolvable

The Political Solution

The Debts Incurable

The Weight Heavy

The Countries Sink

Health Care Expenses

Burdened To Brink

The Solution Readied

The Patient Willing

The Population Teetering

The Budgets Winking

The World Spins

The Life Bribes

The Dominant News

Man Will Die

God Forever

Has A Place

Chosen For You

Unconditionally Great

A Room In A House

A Job Description

Rulers And Priests

On Earth’s Tuition

Education Starts

Education Ends

The Bible From God

Without It – Pretend!

rKw Jr 14.10.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

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