Foggy Glasses

Foggy Glasses

Fog Rolls Over

The Land Disabled

The Vision Blurred

The Plans Tabled

Standing For One 

Pleas Of A Martyr

Cause The Cause

To Echo Each Other

The Resonation Occurs

The Reaction Vile

The Truth Wins

The End For Miles

He Is Returning

We Do Forget

All Things Scurried

To Hide The Facts

The Earth Will Never

Be Destroyed

Until God

Gives The Word

Then The Final

Day Will Come

Earth And Heaven Gone

Replaced By Another One

Climate Change Farce

Vaccine Mandate Scare

Science But Really Not

The Earth Stays Here

It Serves His Purpose

He Will Rule And Reign

Sovereign Over All

With Us In His Train

Ruling And Reigning

Over Cities And Towns

Magistrates Governing

By The Word Renown

Justice Served

A Righteous Government

The People Will Observe

God’s Holy Wonderment

He Is Worthy

To Be Praise

Dying For Us

Today Saved

 Your Passport Ready

Full Pardon Received

By Grace and Faith

The Proof Of Liberty

Free Now At Last

Escape From The Curse

Rescued From The Wrath

This Mandate First

A Message Crushed

A Message Suppressed

But In Another Pocket

It Registers Again

The Gospel Psalm

Still Declared Today

Listened To Hardly

Heard By Prayer

A Spiritual Birth

The Key Event

Otherwise Bad

Everywhere Spent

Cross Over Instantly

Eternally Just Nod

Holy And Forgiven

The Fog Of God

Fog, God’s Friend

Stops Man Who Dies

The Best Laid Plans

Both Go Awry

The Mouse And Man

Can Be Thwarted

Humbled By Hand

God Has Started

Washington’s Escape

Created A Victory

Fog, A Gift From Him

Preserved American History

Fog Obscures

Fog Symbolizes

Man’s Inability

To Do What He Desires

Rejecting God

He Worships Projects

Idealism The Cry

So Lost He Vomits

Sick He Turns

Even On Deathbed

His Pride Burns

His Greatness Retread

Never Consulting God

At Last He Realizes

Only A Nathanson Lied

On Death’s Door Treason

He Realized He Created

A Murderous Industry

At The Weakest Expense

For His Luxury

Killing 75,000 Himself

Admitting He Lied 

To America and Congress

To Get Roe Verified

The Worst Of The Worst

Capitalism At Its Filthiest

Yet The Only Consistent Plank

For the Donkey’s Dirtiest

rKw Jr 12.10.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

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