Finding The Artist

Finding The Artist

The Greater Purpose

Is There An Angle?

The Greater Life

Is There An Angel?

To Take Me Heavenly

When I Exhale

The Last Breath

On This Veil of Tears

The Days Pass On

I Chalk Them Off

They Seem To Go

Along With My Walk

Each Provide

A Daily Reminder

God Is Everywhere

Yet Can I Be Blinder?

My Ways Are Simple

They Find Some Pleasure

They Find Something

To Keep Me Tethered

I’m Tied To Earth

I Don’t See The Vortex

I Don’t See God

Alive In The Complex

The World So Vast

So Sophisticated

It Has To Be Formed

By Intelligence Created

Yet To Even Suggest

To Even Ponder

Is The Most Criminal Act

To Educational Wonders

Limits Are Set

Lines Are All Drawn

The Education Stumbles

It’s Eyes Miss The Dawn

They Neglect The Son

Rising From Grave

The One Who Created

Everything To Save

Yet Save He Accomplishes

His Sheep Do Assent

Blind No More

All Blessed By His Ascent

Justified By Simply

Faith In Him

The Holy Spirit Deposits

The Life Within

Forever Kept

By His Power

Living And Alive

This Waking Hour

rKw Jr 01.09.21

Robert Kelly Born 1965

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