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The Echoing Chamber

Voices Subtle

Some Soft

Some Thunder

The Routine Path

Get With It

Yet Still As Glass

Stones Glancing

Breakdowns Occur

We Marshall On

Maintaining An Image

Lies March Along

Hiding Truth

Forgetting To Seach

Leaving Our Lives

Unfulfilled, Besmirched

The Bitter End

Weighed And Wanted

All For A Hand

Spiritually Haunted

Demons Reside

Within Our Chassis

When All We Aspire

Becomes Sassy

Substance And Growth

Finding The Author

A Book Or Two

Important To Follow

Reading Is Only

As Good As The Object

Truth Precious

All Else Is Just Talking

rKw Jr 28.03.22

Robert William Kelly

American Poet

b 1965 – born again 1993

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