Fear Retired

Fear Retired

The Fears Motivate

They Cause Us To Do

What We Normally Wouldn’t

Save For A Crew

Washing Dishes Fast

Don’t Let Them Linger

Flys Come Around

Causing A Stinger

Bed Bugs Arrive

They Settle And Nest

The Bedroom Defiled

The Conditions Pest

The Fear Is Good

Once Clarified

Do Not Ignore

Consequences Arrive

The Bible Says Believe

The Only Requirement

Spiritual Birth

Allows A Retirement

No 401 k

No Real Estate

No Gold Or Silver

But Heavens Gate

Fear Not In 2021

The World Is Collapsing

The Corrupt Charged

All Of The Happenings

Feel The Rhythm

Fear Not 365 

Once For Each Day

The Bible Rhymes

Catch The Times

Put On The Full Armor

Perfect Love Drives

Fear Out The Back Door

Do Not Fear Man

Who Can Kill The Body

But Fear God And Believe

No Hell Antibody

rKw Jr 05.10.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

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