Faith In James

Faith In James

Faith In James

A Devil Shudders

Heaven Stalls

Salvation Mutters

Am I Saved?

I Am Attacked

Works To Show

Who Is Slack?

Grace The Covering

Faith An Agency 

Paul The Communicator

The Gospel Urgency

The Time Is Now

To Be Saved

Declared Justified

Home Safe Staved

The Faith In James

Discusses Works

Objectifies Abraham

But Credited First

Before Offering

Isaac As A Sacrifice

He Was Justified By Faith

Don’t You Cry

Salvation A Process

Sanctification Takes Time

Justification Instant

The Mystery Sublime

So Don’t Get Pummeled

By Others Who Plummet

Who Don’t Know The Gospel

And Are Scaring Others

Jesus Is Our Savior

But We Become Friends

When Walking With Him

Trusting His End

Faith Of Service

James Retorts

The Friendship Of Jesus

We Find In Store

Abraham – Friend of Jesus

After Credited

Walked For Years

Without Friendship

Why Are We So Quick

To Condemn Believers

Who May Not Show Fruit

But In Time Are Keepers

Patience And Grace

The Secret Power

A Caterpillar Struggles

The Fly Flying Flower

rKw Jr 08.11.22

Robert Kelly Poet

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