Failure Punctuated

Failure Punctuated


A Word of Loss

Of Regret And Shame

The Never Ending Cost

The Price Paid

To Live And Grow

We Fail More And More

Even Though We Bestow

Life And Success

They Are Ample Terms

They Keep Us At Rest

Humble and Stern

We Show No Weakness

The Hidden Forgotten

Cannot Admit

Attempts Were Rotten

Success A Glimpse

A Punctuated Equilibrium

The Moments Test

The Failure Continuum

The Cursed Environment

Life’s Struggling Tedium

Grasp, Gasp, Grapple

The Window of Freedom

Failure Necessary

Endemic To The Cause

Success A Rejoiner

Life’s Hidden Song

Try And Try

Practice, Practice

Live, Learn – Stow

The Lesson Perfected

It Teaches Us So

And What It Brings

Along For the Ride

It’s Not Always Who Wins

Decorum And Class

Demeanor And Grace

Help You Advance

To A Greater State

Growing Your Circle

Abounding In Ethic

Your Name Grows Louder

Preceeding Your Rhetoric

Carry Along In Time

With Him As Your Guide

Teaching You Life

The Secrets Inside

The Spirit Moves

He Resides Upon

Your Heart, Soul, Mind

All For His Renown

Glory To God

The Greatest Success

The Purpose of Man

Worship The Worthy Guest

rKw Jr 21.08.21

Robert Kelly

A Christian Poet

We Are God’s Poems

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