F.O.M.O. And God

F.O.M.O. And God
Photo by Maksim Goncharenok

We Languish 


We Miss 

A Golden Jet

A Chance To Shine

Get Back In Line

Never Knowing

Another Showing

Remorse – Anguish

Regret – Sorrow

Pile Up Together

No Relief Tomorrow

God’s Mercy 

Extends Through All

He Will Is Done

Good For Our Call

He Knows Our Name

We Are Of Dust

Yet Redeems Same

No Fear A Must

A Man’s Failures

He Must Face

He Needs To Know

All Is In Grace

No Sense Pretending

The Pain Does Resound

Only Eclipsed

But God’s Sovereign Arm

He Comforts

He Reaches

He Conquers

For His Creatures

Nothing Unknown

No Lost Sheep

Will Be Neglected

He Finds and Keeps

So All Is Not Lost

There Is Sure Hope

The God Of Heaven

Insures Each Grope

Indemnity Rectified

The Premium Paid

Never To Lapse

For Buildings Laid

Free Eternal

Astounding It Sounds

Yet To Acquire It Now

The Wonderful Hound

Searching For Us

He Rescues Our Life

God Is Our Savior

All Day – Each Night !

rKw Jr 09.07.21

Robert Kelly b 1965 –

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