Every Thorn Has Its Rose

red roses close up photography
Photo by picjumbo.com on Pexels.com

What is the App now around ?

Of the prickly pains abound.

Thorns are real – always hurt

You’ll know if it spurts

Identify them – Don’t ignore

Then watch God uses them more.

Returns – a massive blessing.

God’s Word redressing

A person, place or thing – an event

Can cause grief, we vent.

But take a step back to see

God’s hand in it for His glory.

The crown – the thorns – much mocking.

He “rose” – the cross bearer – still talking.

He is the Word – your strength in weakness

Jesus – Almighty God – your best defense

So when you see – you are weak –

Some malady appears on the sneak

Just remember it may just be

A thorn in side like Paul’s – Worthy

Behold we boast about our weakness !

and learn the secret of contentment.

Allowing us the great ability –

to endure all things through Christ’s Agility.

For when we are weak, we are strong.

The continuum revealed His sanctifying song

The scope of pain – the gamut – no shield.

Death, our weakest – His strength unveiled.

Blessed the thorn it can cause you to do –

Something you would never want to try to –

This can be your blessing in disguise –

So thank God for all things – even cries.

rKw Jr 03.05.21

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