Emily’s Victorious Secret

Emily’s Victorious Secret

Sudden Death

So Fast And Quick

Are We Ever Alert

For This Development?

We Think We Know

The Time Is Ours

We Enjoy The Day

We Forget the Hours

The Shame We Feel

It Occassionally Hits

Should Remind Us So

We Are Not Equipped

We Cannot Live 

Forever And Ever

We Face Death 

Sooner Than Later

The Sands Fall Out

The Candle Fades

The Body of Ours

Folds Up And Grays

Trained To Hide

We Run From God

Never To Experience

The Eternal Now

Eternity Is Made

Of Nows As Said

Emily Herself

Was Victorious Instead

We Hear She Hid

We Hear She Feared

Instead We Find

Emily Became So Clear

She Knew God

Wrote Of Him

Thought of Eternity

Instead of Whims

Maybe It’s Why

We Are Never Encouraged

To Read Much of Emily

We May Just Uncover

We Can Find God

He Is Seen

Through Creation

What Emily Gleaned!

The Bible Her Aid

Also Provided

Steady A Witness

The Call From The Wild

Our Incidents of Shame

Can There Be A Lesson?

Our Wildest Lifepoints

Eternity the Blessing

The World Hiding

Emily Not

The World Secluded

The Souls Rot

rKw Jr 14.09.21

Robert Kelly Circa 2014
Robert Kelly B 1965

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