Emerging Crucibles

Emerging Crucibles

The Strain 


Forces Pulling


They Push



We Dance

For A Dime

Our Day Collapses

Bushes Beated

Calamity Weathered

Day Spoken

We Barely Get

Time Enough

To Cover Bet

Chances We’ve Taken

We Played Again

On The Hook

Double Spent

Credit Running

Rents Due

Taxes Shadowing

All We Do

Hancock Rebelled

He Didn’t Pay

Now He Is

The Hero Today

Liberty Stolen

Duties Determined

All Now Pay

For Endless Boredom

Bored To Death

Without God

We Created A Life

All A Fraud

We Can’t Examine

Our Minds Framed

Punished At Once

For Considering Blame

Are We At Fault?

Are We Doomed?

Are We Hellbound?

Without God’s Tomb

He Rose From Dead

We Still Can Be

Forgiven Forever

Truly Set Free

rKw Jr 13.02.22

Robert Kelly

b 1965 A Christian Poet

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