Eight Was Enough

Eight Was Enough

The Days Of Noah

A Lesson Today

Jesus Declared

Would Be This Way

People Mocking

Technological Giants

Moral Midgets

All Defiant

Ridicule And Slander

7 Billion To One

Population Boomed

Rain Won’t Come

The Canopy Opened

The Rain Flooded

Only Eight Survived

Noah’s Family Huddled

Today The Same

The Rapture Imminent

Not Many Heard

Of Rain Or His Coming Back

In A Flash A Twinkle

The Christian Gone

Noah Preached

For 120 Twenty Years Long

No One Listened

The All Did Perish

Maybe The Water

Cause Them To Relish

Remember The Creator

His Way To Heaven

Believe Today

You Are Now Brethren

rKw Jr 23.03.22

Robert Kelly

Born 1965 A Christian Poet

\born again 8-6-1993

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