Educated And Illiterate

Educated And Illiterate

What’s Missing?

The Words Sound New

What Are They Discussing

So Familiar For Few?

What Have I Neglected?

What Do I Really Know?

If I Am Still Missing

Something Bigger Than Doe

Money Changes Us

But I Even Realize

A Soul Is Worth More

All The Sure Prize

Have I Become

So Smart Yet Innocent,

Never Allowing

My Mind To Be Prescient?

Don’t Know We Don’t

Illiteracy A Known Curse

Biblically Speaking

The Forgotten Verse

Truth Proven

For All To See

Yet Even Distorted

To Be Nothing Free

But Salvation Is

Good and Free

It’s Spotlight On God 

Not What We Be

We Are Sinners

The Education Ignores

We Will Die

Yet College Deplores

Jesus Said

I Will Crush

Intelligence That Hides

From His Soon Rush

He Will Conquer

We Are His

Ruling And Reigning

With God’s List

New Bodies Hatched

On Resurrection Day

Stairway To Heaven

A Golden Street Awaits

A Blue Devil

A Demon Deacon

All Forgotten

God Is Speaking

For It Is Senseless To Spend

Money On Education

If One Doesn’t Know

Truth’s Verification

How Many Don’t Know

How Many Have Ignored

The Preslandered Bible

The Only Cure

rKw Jr 24.02.22

Robert Kelly

b 1965 A Christian Poet

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