Earth’s Black Hole

Earth’s Black Hole

Flattening The Heirachy 

“It Is Contigent”

Everything Relative

Educating Remnants

Dogma Pushed

Along In Unison

The Message Received

Program Magnificent

The Wonderful Mind

Inflitrated By A Horse

Trojan The Kind

Enemies Averse

We Let Education Win

We Think We Are Wise

Suppressing Bible

Found Worldwide

Escaping The Treasure

Eternal Scope

Heaven In You

Jesus The Hope

He Created All

But All Ignores

He Redeems All

All Schools Snore

Competition Replaces

Love Of God

Compassion Erased

Taught To Hoard

Meaning And Significance

Attainable By All

Yet Ignoring The Bible

Destroys Our Wherewithal

We Become Insecure

We Become Jealous

We Plot Revenge

Oh God Our Lover!

The Lover Of Our Soul

Shedding Peace With Blood

The Creator Of Everything

Restores Beyond The Flood

Education Stops

The Moment We Miss

God And His Story

The Greatest Dismissed

rKw Jr 11.12.21

Robert Kelly

Christian Poet

Saved By Grace 1993

b 1965 Boston Ma

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