Double The Love

Double The Love

The End Is Near

Yet Is It So

The Rapture Clear

Many Will Go

The Necessary Injunction

The Savior’s Mystery

The Church His Bride

Rescued From Misery

The Shout Of The Archangel

Michael Perhaps

The Dead In Christ First

We Who Are Alive Last

God Shows Precedent

For This Mighty Event

Elijah and Elisha

Double Portion Went

The Lies Readied

The Explanational Delusion

We Will Be Gone

The Antichrist Chosen

Anti – In Place Of

He Will Appear On Scene

He Will Appear As Godlike

All Will Worship His Ring

Many Will Come Out

They Will Die For Their Faith

The Won’t Wear A Mark

And Will Surrender Their Fate

How Do People Ignore?

Confidence Their Post

Success In Life Maybe

Failure A Ghost

Blissfully Ignorant

Yet The Blameless Kept

Away The Very End

The Summer of Malcontent

Hot It Will Be

Heaven Moderate

Hell A Destiny

A Tragedy Not Tolerant

Tolerating Lies

Falling For Delusions

Denying Jesus In Life

The End Is Deserving

Today Is The Day

Salvation So Easy

Just Believe In Prayer

Cross Over Breezily

An Instant In Life

Our Attention Span

So Short – Seconds

Goodbye This Land

Heaven The Place

Jesus Prepares

“I Will Come Back 

And Take – You There”

His Word So True

The Promise Wonderful

Heaven So Sweet

Saved By A God Of Love

God Is Love

We Don’t We Search For Both

They Are Together

The Rest In Peace Dove

rKw Jr 02.10.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

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