Do We Hate God ?

Do We Hate God ?
Photo by Mohamed Almari on

To Be Called A Hater

Is Slanderous Event

No Greater Threat

To Your Status Sent

You Are Slimed 

The Public Knows Best

Forget God

The World Forgets

How Did We Do It?

How Far Have We Come?

Haters Are Called Those

Who Love God

This Is A Twist

An Alternate Current

AC DC Switch Clear

God Not Welcome Sent

He Will Come Back

He Says Believe In Me

No You Don’t Need

To Be Perfect For He

Just Believe

Don’t Be Confused

Repent Is Impossible

Without God Fused

The Spirit Leads

The Spirit Guides 

The Spirit Speaks

In The Bible Fine

God Is Mocked

By Those Who Distort

What The Bible Says

Of Who Is A Contort

We Are All Rebels

Deserve Hell So

We Get Comfort

When Mercy Flows

It’s Not About Repent

A Meaning Of Another Sort

That Churches Promote

The Prerequisitional Distort

Repent Means Rethink

Reconsider God

He Is Really Real

And Belief Is The Card

Get To Heaven Free

A Ticket To Paradise

All For Nothing

All Or Nothing

r K w Jr 27.04.21

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