Dating Yourself

Dating Yourself

The Zone of Love

We Wish To Find

It’s Endless Search

We Settle In Time

Use of Might

Whatever We Try

Brings It Closer

We Keep It Sly

Finding Joy

Finding Peace

Finding Today

The Missing Link

The Promise Stands

The Duty Binds

The Loving Heart

The Guessing Mind

It’s Best To See

That Life Is Good

Something Wrong

In The Neighborhood

We Are All Fallen

Our Thoughts Corrupt

We Selfishly Exist

Just To Get Stuff

Looking Good

For Others To See

We Pick A Mate

Glory World Of Me

Yet Spirits Clash

Demons Awake

They Twist The Game

The Loss Is Great

It’s Almost Better

To Grow In Knowledge

To Understand Life

From God’s Water

Why Mate Now ?

With Poisoned Mind

The Church Empty

The Culture Slime

A War Exists

Between Flesh and Spirit

Yet Without God

The Spirit Distance

Empty The Temple

Empty The Mind

Empty The Soul

Unredeemed in Time

Build With God

Walk With Him

He Is With You

Let’s All Begin

rKw Jr 7.08.21


A Christian Poet

b 1965 –

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